CALM Online:

A Proven Four-Step Process to Transform Worry Into Inner Peace

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If there was a way that you could stop worrying and truly move forward in your life . . .

. . . wouldn’t you want to know about it?

There is and you can!

CALM Online is the one online program that will truly help you to let go of worry, reduce stress, and create a happier life

. . . in only 4 weeks!

Watch this video first!

A sneak peek at transforming your worry into inner peace

Denise Marek has been featured on:


Find . . .

Freedom from Worry

and True Transformation!

In this transformative online program, Worry Management Expert, and author of “CALM: A Proven Four-Step Process Designed Specifically for Women Who Worry,” Denise Marek, reveals her simple yet powerful formula to help you eliminate worry and develop greater inner peace.

During this step-by-step program, you’ll learn:

  • The BRAND NEW six-step daily process to renew your mind and restore hope
  • Three strategies IMMEDIATELY end “What-if” thinking
  • The five steps to control your thoughts instead of allowing your thoughts to control you
  • A four-step process to stop worry in its tracks
  • The BRAND NEW seven-step system to regulate your emotions and end emotional suffering
  • How to break free from self-limiting beliefs
  • How to use worry as a positive force
  • The way to infuse excitement, happiness, and passion back into your life
  • How to gain the confidence to take risks—even in the presence of fear
  • How to put the brakes on the stress response
  • How to live with a deeper level of joy and inner peace



Here’s the link for you to . . .

Get CALM Online Now!

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Millions of North Americans are living in a state of chronic worry.

Is worry from everyday stresses weighing on your mind? You’re not alone.

“The New Worry Epidemic” was a front-page article in Macleans magazine (Feb 2014). In the article, it was reported, “More than 40 million North Americans suffer from it. [Generalized anxiety disorder, characterized by a medley of symptoms, primarily chronic worry.]”


It is possible and CALM Online will show you, step-by-step, how to stop worrying once and for all!



. . . a personal message from Denise Marek

I was once a chronic worrier. The strange thing is, I believed that my worry was helping me.

Looking back now, I can see how it was “helping” me. Worrying about my weight and appearance—on top of continually denying my feelings because I worried too much about what others thought of me—helped me to develop bulimia. Worrying about being loveable and being good enough helped me to stay in unhealthy relationships. Worrying about being likeable helped me to not stand up for myself, express my needs, and do what was best for me. Worrying about money helped me to lie awake at night and feel anxious about paying bills. It helped to keep me showing up every day for a job I didn’t enjoy. Sure, worrying helped me all right. It helped me to be scared, unhappy, frustrated, and anxious.

Is worry “helping” you in the same way? It doesn’t have to be that way for you any longer.

Today could be the day you put an end to chronic worry.

I know you can let go of worry; I did and you can, too! You're not alone and it's not impossible! I know because I've experienced it myself and today I’m calm, content, and fulfilled--and these are the results waiting inside the course for you too!

During this online course you’ll discover the strategies and techniques that helped me AND THOUSANDS OF MY SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS AROUND THE WORLD to let go of worry, regain inner peace, and develop a renewed passion for life.

If you apply these same strategies to your own life, you will stop worrying. It’s that simple.

CALM Online will give you the actionable steps and strategies to eliminate worry, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and cultivate inner peace through a four-step process for worry-free living.

. . . keep scrolling down to discover this simple yet powerful four-step process!


Is worry from everyday stresses weighing on your mind?

Do you ever toss and turn at night worrying?

Do you feel pangs of anxiety on Sunday as Monday morning rolls closer and closer?

Are you feeling stuck, stressed, or anxious?

Do you feel lost or confused? Are you unsure of which decision to make or direction to take?

Now the really big question:

Are you willing to keep feeling this way?


It’s called the CALM process:

C = Challenge Your Assumptions

A = Act to Control the Controllable

L = Let Go of the Uncontrollable

M = Master Your Mind

Module 1: Challenge Your Assumptions

Negative assumptions create worry.

Negative assumptions create unnecessary worry. The key to inner peace is to challenge your assumptions before they reach this point. But how do you go about doing that? After all, they're what makes sense to you, so how can you break free from them. You'll learn how in this module! You'll also discover:

  • How your assumptions create worry
  • Why you make the unique assumptions you do
  • Three cures to end what-if thinking
  • Key questions for challenging your assumptions to restore your inner peace
  • The five things you need to know before seeking another’s point of view
  • The best question to challenge limiting beliefs
  • A powerful question to help you put the brakes on the stress response
  • How to use your imagination to your advantage
  • How to stop scaring yourself with frightening stories

Module 2: Act to Control the Controllable

Sometimes worry serves you as a prompt to take action.

Taking action to control what you can reduces worry in two ways: 1) It can sometimes help you to prevent what you're worrying about from happening, and 2) It can give you a feeling of control over the situation. Is worry prompting you to take action? In this module you'll learn how to create an effective action plan and gain the courage and strength you'll need to follow through. You'll also discover:

  • How to use worry as a positive force
  • Three strategies to help you bounce back from criticism
  • How to use worry as a prompt to take action
  • Ten actions to reduce the effects of worry
  • How to take action in the presence of fear
  • Three ways to “influence the uncontrollable”
  • The three remedies to overcome the most common roadblocks so they won’t stop you from following through

Module 3: Let Go of the Uncontrollable

Holding onto worry can wreak havoc in every area of your life.

Worrying about things which are beyond your control can wreak havoc in every area of your life--from your health to your family and even your finances. Do you sometimes worry about things that are beyond your control? In this module, you'll learn fresh, new, and actionable strategies to stop worrying about those things which are beyond your control. You'll also discover:

  • The four-step system to move from victim “poor me” to victor “yay me”
  • How to make peace with your past
  • Six questions to move from feeling guilty to guilt-free
  • How to let go of any perfectionistic standards that are working against you
  • How to stop worrying about the future

Module 4: Master Your Mind

You can literally renew your mind and think better; when you think better, you feel better!

Your inner dialogue largely dictates whether you feel worried or calm. In this module you'll learn how to put an end to destructive mental chatter and adopt a positive inner dialogue using the BRAND NEW CREATE process. This process goes beyond transforming negative thinking. It's a daily, six-step process for renewing your mind. Even your automatic responses to circumstances that usually cause you to feel fearful, worried, or distressed, will be reprogrammed! You'll also learn:

  • Techniques to master your mind
  • The five steps for controlling your thoughts instead of allowing your thoughts to control you
  • A system to help you solve your biggest challenges and gain your greatest victories
  • How to use reading to break cycles in habitual thinking
  • How to identify and replace “stinkin’ thinkin’”
  • The seven steps to regulate your emotions and end emotional suffering
  • How to execute bold action to create an extraordinary life

Take action on opportunity today!


Save Time

Do you know how much TIME you’d save if you stopped worrying?

Marie Claire magazine reported a whopping “86 percent of adults consider themselves to be a worrier, with everyday stresses from work to family weighing massively on our minds. The average adult surveyed spent one hour and 50 minutes a day worrying, according to the study conducted by Rescue Remedy. That adds up to 12 hours and 53 minutes a week – that’s nearly 28 days a year spent worrying!”[1]

Just imagine taking back an entire 28 days a year because you’ve freed yourself from worry!



Save Money

Let’s face it, when life gets stressful, many people seek help from a therapist. The average cost of a therapist is between $150-$200/hour. Most treatment plans will consist of a 10- to 12-week commitment. You could spend between $1,500 and $2,400—or more—and still not know how to stop worrying!

In CALM online, for only $349, you’ll have a blueprint that will help you to stop worrying . . . for the rest of your life.

Compared to the cost of seeing a therapist for stress and worry, that’s a savings of $1,151 to $2,051 or more!



Proven Process

The CALM process is a proven process. It’s a blueprint—a map—that has already provided thousands of individuals around the world with the specific directions to stop worrying and move forward.



Yes! I want to confirm my registration and get access to the proven, four-step CALM process, so I can transform my worry into inner peace!

Take the first step towards your inner peace and happiness . . .

It’s only only $349!
(or 3 payments of $133)

  • You’ll save time.
  • You’ll save money . . . and it’s risk free with a full 30-day money back guarantee!
  • It’s a proven process.

CALM Will Help You Transform

from a Worrier into Warrior

Consider for a moment these two words: Worrier and Warrior. They have two vastly different definitions, yet the transition from one word to the other occurs with a simple shift of only two letters.

You can transform from a worrier into a warrior with a simple shift! I’m going to walk you through step-by-step and show you HOW!

Here’s a testimonial from one of my past seminar participants who now calls herself a Warrior in Training:

Dear Denise,

Frankly, this was the best money I have ever spent.

I would say that I am a chronic worrier. I have worried since childhood, about everything. My mother was even worse than I am. She passed away at 53 with breast cancer that I believe was a direct result of her chronic worry. I vowed to not allow myself to follow in her footsteps.

I just didn’t know how to story worrying about everything. That was until last night.

You gave us information, moral support, and a means to overcome a burden that is heavier than many of us can bear.

I worry about several things but two main ones, fidelity in my current relationships due to my ex-husband’s infidelity and the fact that my new boyfriend travels the world in his job. I chose a man that will test my limits of trust, not because he has done anything wrong, but because I have to trust him when he is away. This is a tall order and I find it much more difficult to deal with than my worry about work and failure.

Today, I took the first step with my work worries. I have been agonizing over whether to take a new job. Nine years at my present employer and I am not challenged and stimulated anymore.

But my fear of failure, in trying something new, and what my present boss will think of me, had me paralyzed and unable to make a decision.

Today, I accepted the new job and tomorrow, I quit my current job. The quitting will be much more frightening than the accepting, but I have to do it for me. I am capable. I am intelligent and my clients tell me I am amazing at my job.

Thanks to you, I am not terrified anymore and I am on the road to managing my worry, and not allowing it to control my life, and ruin my happiness today.

All I want is to be happy and I can see that if I worry less, I will be happier.

Thank you again and please share your message with more people as often as you can. It is so very important.

Warm regards,

Liz Walters, “Warrior in Training”


Through the CALM process, Liz was able to:

  • Make a decision
  • Take action
  • Build belief in herself
  • Let go of the worry that was controlling her life
  • Gain excitement
  • Stop feeling terrified
  • Put an end to chronic worry
  • Get unstuck and move forward
  • Gain freedom
  • Transform worry into inner peace

CALM will help you to get massive results too! You can transform worry into inner peace!


Feeling at your lowest low?

The CALM process can give you renewed strength to carry on — even when you’re at your lowest low . . .

The following is a story about how the CALM process stopped a woman in the U.K. from committing suicide. One morning, I opened my emails and saw a message containing this subject line:

“You’ve probably heard this lots of times but your book really has saved my life! Thank you!”

Obviously, I was very curious. I opened that email first and here’s what I read:

“Hello Denise,

I recently discovered your book while trying to get my life back on track. I have just been through an extremely rough patch and I was worried about everything that was happening. I wouldn’t leave my bedroom, let alone the house, to go to work or shopping. I wouldn’t talk to anyone at all—not even my family and friends.

Then one day, a close friend came round to my house and came into my room (which I hadn’t been out of in 4 weeks.) She handed me your book CALM and said to me, “Do not leave this room until you have at least read the first chapter.”

I said to her, “I am never leaving this room again so put it on the shelf. I will get round to it when I feel like it if ever.”

She said, “I promise you after reading the first chapter, you will find some strength to carry on in your life.”

I still do not know what said to me Louise read that book. But, whatever it was I am glad I did it! My first impressions were, “Yeah, ok. How is a book going to save my life from going any lower and being suicidal?

I did read the first chapter and found some strength. I also read the second, third, fourth and fifth the same day, and at 4 o’clock that day, I took my first steps down stairs in four weeks, I had my first proper meal in four weeks, I spoke to somebody again.

All because your book taught me that I have to take control of what I can and let go of what I can’t control. Also that everyone can make mistakes; we are all just human.

But, most importantly, it taught me that I am not the only one in the world to worry about life and what is going to happen next or who might say something that is going to upset me or whether I am going to have the right attitude to succeed, it even taught me that no matter what I still have rights.

Your book currently goes everywhere with me in my bag and if I am struggling I open it up and read a random double page and manage to gain some strength out of it to carry on.

This all happened six months ago. I am now about to take one of the biggest steps in those six months and that is returning to work and your book will be with me and I will definitely be reading it on the way to work and right up to the minute that I start to get myself in the right frame of mind.

I guess you hear this a lot from different people but I really do need to thank you from the bottom of my heart because without the strength your book has given me I wouldn’t be here today to be able to write this to you. Thank you!”



Feeling worn out caring for others?

The CALM process has specific strategies to help you to care for yourself while caring for others . . .

Good Afternoon Ms. Marek:

Right now with being the primary caregiver for my 90-year-old husband, I'm nearly 80 years old, my life is anything but 'calm.'

However, I fully intend to apply the strategies you suggest, to reduce worrying and improve recognizing some of my own needs.

I've written two books; From The Other Side of the Bed and Nurse! Oh, Nurse! Both published, about my many years in nursing, so I know a great deal about caregiving. That being said, looking after my husband is totally different than working with and tending to a stranger.

Have a 'great' day.

God Bless.

Victoria Stiring


Worrying about everything under

the sun? Falling into a depression?

Hi Denise,

I was falling into a depression because I was worrying about things even though they weren't necessarily likely to happen - but I couldn’t stop!

Thank you again! You have no idea how much it's helped me already!

Michelle Arsenault


Feeling lost, frustrated, or angry?

Are you feeling lost, frustrated, or angry? Were you once full of life and now you feel you have no pep, no passion, and no desires? What happened to that person? You’re still there! In fact, I’m going to walk you through this proven process, step-by-step, to help you to fully love and appreciate your life again!

The CALM process can give you freedom . . .

Hello Denise

I am applying myself and following your steps. I wanted to add that at one time I was so full of anger about my job. Now, with just about 2 months behind me, I have been so much calmer. I am working on my weight loss. I gained about 100 lbs—that was the easy part, now I have to lose it. Denise, thanks again so much for your words.

Roberta Bettenson


You can find peace within yourself no matter what is going on in your outside world!


Not sure the CALM

process is applicable to

your unique situation?

The CALM process is applicable to even the most unique situations!

Dear Denise,

I just finished your four-step CALM process today. Wow! I really loved it. You are so right about changing the way we think to change the way we feel. I've been feeling great since, and I know I'm on the road to success.

At first I didn't know if the process was really going to work for me because my problems were unique. I was a wife and mother at age 15.

But, you showed me that it's about how you apply the techniques in your own specific situation. I appreciate all of your personal stories because there is a lesson in every situation. And having a life that is unique is not right or wrong it's just plain different.

If your process can help someone like me I believe it can help anyone.

I've been looking at the world through new eyes and it's incredible. I didn't want my son to have the same outlook on life as I did and that's when I decided to do something about it.

I now know my son will love life the way I'm starting to love it. I didn't think I could raise him alone. Now I am, and I am enough to be his single mother! Thank you so much! I'm gaining more faith every day.

Angela Timbol


It’s no co-incidence the

opportunity to register

for CALM Online is in

front of you right now...

You’re reading this for a reason. CALM has the answers you’ve been looking for!

Hi Denise . . . How I Discovered Your Book

About 5-6 months ago, I was at a bookstore searching for help in my life . . . I had hit rock bottom! As I scanned through the many self-help books, I was overwhelmed with where to start. So, I started with “A” and began to read. This went on for over a weekend. I needed to get to an appointment so I put my book down and walked away.

As I walked away, I kicked a book that was on the floor. It flew across the aisle. As I bent down to pick it up, a store clerk reached down to pick it up. I glanced at the book seeing a blue cover with the word CALM across it.

I hurried to catch my bus. That book was on my mind. Weeks later I went to the store trying to find this book but I wasn’t able to find it. The store clerk laughed saying, “We have lots of blue books.”

I knew it was blue but forgot the name. Then I was on the train. As I was about to sit down this lady got off. I saw this book again in her clear bag she carried. The doors closed. I went to the next stop, got off and crossed over, jumped on the next train to go back. I knew that I needed to read this book, too many signs. I searched all over for this lady. Then suddenly I saw her walk into a store on Granville Street. I hurried over and asked her about the book. And the rest is history. Since then my boss and workplace is 90% pleasant and worry-free. My relationship is blossoming. I have lost 20lbs to date. I will keep you informed on my progress. Feel free to use any of my story if you wish.

Roberta Bettenson


What makes the 4-week CALM Online program so much more powerful and impactful than just reading the book?

The book CALM is an excellent companion to this program and a great place to start. In fact, I would suggest you purchase the book here to go along with the course.

Here’s what you’ll get in CALM Online that you won’t get anywhere else,

  • The brand new 6-Step Process to Renew Your Mind and Restore Your Hope
  • Seven Steps to Regulate Your Emotions and End Emotional Suffering
  • The Key Question to Put the Brakes on the Stress Response
  • The Five Steps for Controlling Your Thoughts—So Your Thoughts Won’t Control You!
  • A System to Help You Solve Your Biggest Challenges and Gain Your Greatest Victories
  • How to Execute Bold Action to Create an Extraordinary Life
  • A Clear Understanding of Why You Make the Worry-Inducing Assumptions You Do—and The Seven Key Questions for Challenging Your Assumptions and Restoring Your Inner Peace
  • How to Use Your Imagination to Your Advantage—and Stop Scaring Yourself with Frightening Stories
  • In the course, you’ll also be given access to a number of Downloadable Resource Pages (DRP) including:
    • The Ultimate Go-To Person Checklist
    • The Four Best Fresh-Perspective Conversation Starters
    • The Seven-Step Process to Regulate Your Emotions and End Emotional Suffering
    • Worrier to Warrior Transformation Tracking Sheets
    • CREATE Journal Pages
    • Stinkin’ Thinkin’: Recognizing and Restoring Cognitive Disorders
    • And so much more!


Finally Free

  • Finally free from “what if” thinking
  • Finally free from jumping to worry-inducing, guilt-triggering, fearful conclusions
  • Finally free from compromising your values
  • Finally free from holding onto worry
  • Finally free from abusive self-talk
  • Finally free to be joy-filled, peace-filled, compassionate, prosperous, and happy!
  • Finally free to experience more courage, love, and improved physical health
  • Finally free to create a life you love to live
  • Finally free!

Your Instructor

Denise Marek
Denise Marek

Denise Marek is internationally known as The Worry Management Expert. Denise is regularly called upon as the expert in her field by national and international magazines such as:

  • Canada’s Investment Executive, Chloe, Chatelaine, and Canadian Family
  • USA’s Body + Soul and Woman’s World Magazine
  • United Kingdom’s Red
  • Australia’s CLEO and Insight

Denise is the author of CALM – A Proven Four Step Process Designed Specifically for Women Who Worry and co-author of The Keys: Open the Door to True Empowerment and Infinite Possibilities. As a testament to their overwhelming success, Denise’s books have been published in several languages including Spanish, Italian, German, French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Korean, among others.

Through her proprietary CALM™ methodology, lectures, consulting, videos, articles, and books, Denise has helped individuals and corporations worldwide eliminate worry and systematically create positive and lasting changes in attitudes, actions, teamwork, communication, and relationships.

Denise was awarded the Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker Award for Professionalism and Outstanding Achievements in Public Speaking. Not only was Denise the first woman in Ontario to have received this honour, she is one of only 67 people to have ever achieved this designation.

Denise’s client base is eclectic — anything from CEOs, senior management teams, and executives to First Nations, government agencies, school boards and more. Companies making use of Denise’s unique spin on positive change and stress management include: American Express, Toyota, CEO Global Network, RBC Royal Bank, Deloitte and Touche, Dundee, Manulife Financial, TD Canada Trust, Clarica, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and AIG. Denise is hired to speak at corporate events and to provide on-site training and consulting. Denise’s clients credit her program for more effective and efficient work environments, less stress, and greater strategic planning success.


A Message from Denise Marek

From a very early age I enjoyed encouraging, inspiring, and lifting up others; it’s a significant part of who I am. Over the years, my desire to make a positive difference grew even deeper. That desire compelled me to learn how to make positive—and lasting—changes in my life and to develop simple systems and processes to make it possible for others to secure equally positive and lasting changes in their own lives. And these systems and processes get results! Whether you want to:

  • Transform worry into inner peace,
  • Advance your career and grow your business,
  • Release anything that’s getting in the way of what you want to do, be, or have, or
  • Create a life you love

I’ve shared my message with audiences around the globe—from Las Vegas to Aruba—and to audiences as varied as First Nations groups to CEOs of top corporations.

My commitment to each student is to entertain (my philosophy is laughing helps with learning) and also to provide the tools with which participants can make the message actionable in their lives. It’s these tools for taking action that will allow you to create a life you love to live—both personally and professionally.

My desire is for you to have significant breakthroughs in your life. I do what I do so that you can create a life in which your state of being is happy, fulfilled, strong, healthy, self-confident, authentic, free, and so much more! The possibilities are infinite and they are yours to create.

I want you to succeed! I want it for you and I want it for those you work with, live with, and love because your success ripples out and affects those around you. Your success can inspire others to believe they too can succeed and the positivity continues to spread from there; it’s the ripple effect in action! In essence, your breakthroughs and your successes can help to create positive and lasting global change—what you do can make a difference in the world. Pretty remarkable, right?!

This is a real game-changer here! Help me to help you succeed by registering for CALM Online right now. Don’t let the excuses that have been holding you back get in the way of your happiness any longer. Sign up today so you’ll start receiving the tools to transform worry into inner peace. You deserve it!

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unhappy with the course?
Try the entire CALM Online program and if you don't LOVE it, get 100% of your money back. Here's why I am so passionate about offering this incredible guarantee: I don't teach anything I haven't personally tested. The strategies in CALM Online are proven and I am able to teach them in an incredibly clear and actionable way because I've implemented them in my own life--and I've seen the results that thousands of other participants around the world have had with this program. This guarantee is extended for 30 days from the date of your purchase. Since you get immediate access to the entire program, that is more than enough time to really dive in and implement the steps. Try the ENTIRE course. If you don't love it, just email me at any time during the 30 days and submit all of your completed course homework for all four modules. You will need to submit proof that you have completed all of the modules and any assigned homework because I KNOW that when you apply the steps in this program you will get results and discover how to transform worry into inner peace.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
When does the course start and finish?
This is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. However, if you like plans and checklists, you can use the "Four Weeks to CALM: Transformation Planner" (provided inside the course) to complete the program in approximately 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for four weeks. This beautifully designed planner will walk you through the action steps to take module by module, step by step, lesson by lesson. It will keep you organized and on track!
I've never taken an online course before; what if I can't figure it out?
I hear you! I'm not a "techie" either and yet I easily figured out how to create this course for you. I will make it incredibly simple for you to move through this course. All you need to do is to click the link you will receive after you register. In the very first video inside the course, I'll walk you through everything you need to know to successfully complete this program and get the results you desire! You got this!
What makes this course worth the price?
I have taught people around the world for more than 20 years how to transform worry into inner peace and I know these strategies will work for YOU! Over those 20 years of teaching this material, I've discovered money is most often the number one worry people face on a regular basis. If you've been worrying about money, don't let that financial fear stop you from taking the action of registering for this course. This program will give you peace and freedom from financial concerns. When you learn the strategies to transform worry into inner peace, you'll improve your ability to create a significantly better financial life for yourself. One of my past students of CALM put it best when she said to me, "I've noticed when my peace is interrupted so is my level of success. When peace stops, success stops." Don't let financial fears stop you from taking the action of registering for this course. You have some options to make it easier, you can save $50 by paying for the course in full when you register. Or you can break the cost into three monthly payments. In addition, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee (make sure to read the guarantee in this FAQ section.) Register today! The only thing you have to lose is worry.